Ubiquiti does not provide a WiFiMan Desktop installation method for RPM based distributions, such as Fedora Linux.
Since this is the case I've hacked together a makeshift process, using files generated by running the Ubiquity Debian WiFiman package through the pkg2appimage program. A simple script then is used to place the files in an appropriate location. Nothing fancy, but it appears to work.
Hopefully, this will suffice until Ubiquiti decides to provide either an RPM, Flakpak or AppImage.
Here is how to install:
- Download the tarball: wifiman-desktop.tar.gz
- Extract the tarball into your home directory: tar -xvf wifiman-desktop.tar.gz
- Make your current directory wifiman-desktop: cd wifiman-desktop
- Install files: ./wifiman_integration.sh --install
Here is how uninstall:
- Make your current directory wifiman-desktop: cd wifiman-desktop
- Uninstall files: ./wifiman_integration.sh --uninstall
- Start the wifiman-desktop.service: sudo systemctl start wifiman-desktop.service
- Launch the application: WiFiman Desktop