I recently decided to switch my Tiny Tiny RSS database from MariaDB/MySQL to PostgreSQL. Mainly because of this post:
MySQL issues: Lock wait timeout exceeded
The bottom line is you get much better performance from Postgresql. Postgresql uses less system resources and it really isn't a big deal to install or support; it is fairly simple. I really don't get why it isn't more popular. If it were a massive pain, I could understand it, but it really isn't. Go figure!
That said, here we go...
As root:
yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-contrib php-pgsql
After the install, you must next initialize the postgresql database:
postgresql-setup initdb
Now start and enable the service, so it will automatically start when you boot:
systemctl start postgresql.service
systemctl enable postgresql.service
Configure the service account for Tiny Tiny RSS:
su - postgres
createuser -P -S -D -R -l ttrss_user
When prompted to enter a password, create a new password:
enter new password: your_password
Create the Tiny Tiny RSS Database:
createdb --owner=ttrss_user ttrss_db
Grant permissions to the ttrss_db:
grant all on database ttrss_db to ttrss_user;
Now you need to modify the postgresql client authentication configuration file to ensure you can login with all the changes you just made:
cd /var/lib/pgsql/data
Make a backup of the distribution configuration file:
cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf.dist
vim pg_hba.conf
Now, change the lines ending in 'ident' to end with 'md5'
Restart PostgreSQL to activate all the changes:
systemctl restart postgresql.service
Load the Tiny Tiny RSS Postgresql schema:
psql -U ttrss_user -d ttrss_db -f /var/www/html/ttrss/schema/ttrss_schema_pgsql.sql